
Every now and then I find music that just neeeeeds to be shared- this is one of those moments.
I recently went to see The Paper Kites- a band that I've fell in love with over the past year. The show was great, but the opening act was the kicker.
A band from Calgary, my hopes were not set high for Reuben And The Dark. I had no clue who they were and had decided to camp out in the VERY back of The Park Theatre for their portion of the show. But after the opening notes and the first few harmonies I found myself in the middle of a group of people at the front who were as equally entranced as me. The melodies reminded me of Bon Iver with a bit of Dead Man's Bones. And I was hooked to the harmonies that cut through to my soul. I could have left after their set- but luckily for me my $20 went a long way that evening and got a BOGO of a deal (every Menno's dream).

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